Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Week 34: Obstetrician check-up

Daddy met us at work today and we went for our fortnightly check-up at Dr Booth's. We got full marks for good health- good blood pressure, weight gain normal, drinking enough water and baby's heartbeat is very strong. Baby is still in the correct position with head down and this won't change as there's no room for spinning around in there now! Dr Booth laughed because when she felt my tummy she got kicked again. Cheeky baby bean!
One of my funny cravings has been the smell of Crown lager, and I was very excited when daddy opened one tonight! Mmmmmm crown. No other beer smells as good. I reckon that should be the catchline for their next advertising campaign! (if someone from Crown is reading this please contact me and I'll tell you where to send the free beer)

1 comment:

  1. Haha~ I'll tell Crown. :)

    I craved chips which wasn't quite healthy. :(
