Friday, 17 June 2011

A lovely Saturday

Went to aquarobics this morning and it was chilly! The pool boiler is broken so the water was really cool. Little bean and I had to work extra hard to stay warm.
After aqua went to see my favourite person, Zara, the masseuse at Inner Sense & Beauty Engadine. I call Zara my angel as she makes all my sore stretchy bits better. I miss lying on my tummy sooooo much and Zara has a special bed with a hole in it for my belly. I think bean likes the massage too as I get lots of little squirms inside whenever I go.
Have been busy this afternoon washing all of the baby bean clothes, with special help from Oscy of course. Took photos which I will post later.
Aunty Kat is on her way over now, she made coconut bread for us!! Can't wait to eat it!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow you're so lucky! A bed with hole for tummy! I miss my tummy time too coz I'm still breastfeeding and lying on my tummy hurts my boobs! LOL.

    And coconut bread! Yum!

