Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Week 36 Obstetrician Visit: It's gonna be BIG

Daddy Chris and I went to another OB check-up today.  Blood pressure good, my health also very good, apart from feeling rather tired and getting cankles from sitting down at my desk too much at work!

I did a group B strep test and will get the results for that next week.

Dr Booth checked bubba's heart rate which was very strong as usual.  After prodding my tummy she remarked that we are growing 'one helluva baby in there' and that bubba Hinch is going to be 8lb+.  Seems that someone had a growth spurt this week!  She said that next week she will be able to tell us if it's going to be 9lb+.

Tonight I am busy on iTunes preparing classical and instrumental music playlists for labour.  So far we have Handel's Watermusic, Mozart, Pachelbell, symphonic Led Zeppelin and Moby.

We had home made fried rice with prawns, corn, peas, mushrooms, egg, coriander and chilli for dinner.  Little bean did lots of kicking afterwards, I think the chilli was exciting!

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