Saturday, 28 May 2011

What's happened so far

Today I'm 31 weeks 6 days pregnant. I planned to start blogging at the beginning but just never got to it. So here's what's happened so far:

It all started with a weekend away with 3 other couples from qantas. Much champagne, oysters, wine and wonderful food was consumed. We went to a concert in the vineyards - Chicago, America, Peter Frampton and Brian Wilson - in the pouring rain. Again much good food and wine consumed at the concert. it was fantastic and we rolled back to our house in the hills with big grins and muddy feet. Actually everything was muddy. And apparently mud us all you need to make a baby.

4 weeks later I suspected something was up, did a home pregnancy test and presented the positive result to daddy Chris when he got home from night shift at 2am! We were both happy, excited, shocked, amazed WOW.

So we keep our big secret and life continues merrily. I kept running, boxing etc, in fact did everything except drink alcohol or coffee!

The next week I went to the usual saturday run with bushies running club, only we had a stand in ranger who got us lost in oatley park, so we were out for 2.5hrs. It was a hot day, i still managed to get a top 5 placing. 3rd i think. Not bad for a pregnant chick. Then later on I went to Hala's place for a party and pretty much bellydanced for 4 hours straight. Best party ever. LOUD music and much celebration. I slept really well that night.

Another week goes by and I still feel like superwoman. Proper blood tests via my gp confirm the pregnancy and we are both so happy. Then at 4am on Saturday morning Chris leaves for work. I get up to pee and find that I am bleeding. I yell out to chris that I think I will be okay, we both know about miscarriage risks in 1st trimester and decide it's best to let nature do it's thing. So a quick kiss goodbye and I am alone in our little loo. I start to feel sick and dizzy and before I know it everything is black.

Now here's the amazing bit- after driving down the road a few minutes chris had a feeling that he needed to go back home. He came in to find me passed out against the wall having convulsions because no blood was getting to my brain. A few more minutes like that and I would have sustained brain damage or worse. So daddy chris saved 2 lives that morning. I scored a week off work and learned a valuable lesson: I am no longer superwoman!

So because I need to be watched 24/7 we tell our parents the big news. They are of course elated but they manage to keep the secret very well.

I go for an ultrasound at 9wks and we are expecting bad news. Had more light bleeding and we even had to walk through a funeral procession in the main street of kogarah on our way to the ultrasound appointment. The sonographer puts the wand on my belly and.... There is ... A little heart!!! Tick tick tick. We both have tears of happiness in our eyes. The little baby on the screen looks just like a baked bean, and this is where the name Hinchey Bean came from

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